And there are lots of emergent kind of happy accidents that come out of that." "I'm pretty excited about the results we've been getting out of that system. "We really want each location to feel like a unique discovery that you'd feel like screenshotting and sharing with people, and-if it's an interesting spot-maybe other people would also attempt to find that place in their local games," says Simpson. Touting an improved terrain system, Star Theory wants players to feel like every location is special in some way. And then, as you continue to progress up the tech tree and get access to interstellar technologies, the scope of the game just gets larger, and you begin crossing the gulfs of interstellar space." "And then all the planets in the Kerbolar system continue to be present in enhanced forms. "You start at our new Kerbal Space Center, which is actually at the same location on Kerbin as it was in the original game," explains Simpson. It's important to get players through that first hurdle, because Kerbal Space Program 2's big new features are all things that expand the scope of what you can do out among the stars, starting with interstellar travel. It's how that information is taught that determines "whether or not a person feels hopeless." The final frontier Simpson says that through user testing, they've found the basic science isn't impossible for people to pick up.
Kerbal space program game informer review how to#
Through trial, error and, yes, explosions, I've built up an intuitive grasp of how to make rockets go to space, but I still couldn't explain what delta-v actually is. This feels like a sensible way to explain some of the intricacies of rocket physics. New animations-based tutorials will help players visualise the core concepts of the science Kerbal depicts. They bounce off the the physical difficulty of the game." "As an evangelist for the game," says Simpson, "I probably pitched it to a dozen friends and often the way it goes is they make an honest attempt, and they kind of bounce off the jargon.

Star Theory is especially trying to improve the experience for new players.